Infrared Photography

Welcome to my Infrared (IR) Photography page. Infrared photos can be achived in a few different ways. The first way is to take an ordinary colour photo and by using Post Production software such as Photoshop, you can use filters to manipulate the image to give you the Infrared look.

Another way is to purchase IR filters that attach onto your DSLR lenses. This will block out all visable light, only allowing Infrared light to hit the sensor inside the camera. The only problem with this technic is that the sensor inside your camera actually has a filter over it to cut out both Infrared and Ultraviolet light, so you need to have long exposure times to allow the Infrared light to penetrate both the IR filter on your lense as well as the light sensor on your camera so you will need a tripod to take IR photos.

The third way is the way that I have done it. You take an old camera, either an old DSLR or an old Point & Shoot digital camera and remove the filter that covers the sensor. BUT, this can be detramental to your camera in two ways. Firstly, in most cases, this process is irreversible so your camera will now be whats known as a "Full Spectrum" camera. 

The second problem is that if you damage the sensor in any way while removing the filter, your camera is stuffed.

I had an old Nikon D60 DSLR and I actually had a professional camera repair company remove the filter and service the camera. It cost me a few dollars to do it but at least it was done professionally.

I also have both Photoshop & Lightroom where I make some adjustments to get the results I want.